
Stronghold legends cheats
Stronghold legends cheats

stronghold legends cheats

Nevertheless, setting game to 50 could indeed make things more interesting because weapons would be produced faster, etc. I was like "hey, it's just the way it is, but yes - you could set game speed to higher, although you said you didn't want to do that".


This update offers a variety of updates and fixes for the game. I realize that I wasn't much helpful with these, and I am sorry for that. Updates Stronghold Legends to v1.2 with this patch. I'd also like to say that many don't play Stronghold, Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold 2 in game speed 40 - they play it in game speed 50, as that makes the game more dynamic while it's still not too fast and it looks natural as well. Stronghold Legends V1.3 Contents: Items Money/Gold Honor And Military Reward Troop Health Fly Hack Infinite Range To Drop/Active Special Ability Cheat Engine Stronghold Legends V1. Stronghold Legends ws made in ReaI-Time Strategy gnre and have ten as SRB rting. This game has been made by FireFly Studios and published by 2K Games at Oct 23, 2006. Maybe that just comes after playing more games in 60 fps (which seems to be a standard nowadays), but maybe it's just that some of us are not able to notice that difference. This page contains Stronghold Legends cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. I also find it really interesting that you notice the difference between 60 and 40 fps. Maybe you could try setting frequency to highest possible, though I don't believe this would do the job. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to do that. It is noticeable, but I could have played ten more years this game and I wouldn't notice a thing. Still, I wouldn't call this an issue, Firefly gave us ability to slow down the game so we would be able to do stuff we need to do while fighting against AI lords, and those of us who slow the time down care more about the gameplay than about this thing which we wouldn't notice at all if there weren't tools such as fraps.

stronghold legends cheats

It's not like FPS drop in some games followed worse responsiveness - Stronghold 2 works great, and everything responds just as usual - the only thing here one wouldn't like is that the game does have lower FPS which can be seen. I believe that Firefly intentionally made it like this, and mostly because "it works", which is the case here. I’m more of the type who wants more and more power So I took my game hacking expertise and used it to create the best Stronghold Legends Cheats out there. After having won endless wars, the power of your kingdom could become boring for you.

stronghold legends cheats

FPS normally goes around 40 - even in game speed faster than 40, but in slower game speed FPS is approximately equal to game that game speed. Stronghold Legends Cheats Introduction Being a King can be tiring. Travel to Ancient Greece in ‘300 Spartans. This small selection of community maps is intended to give you some fresh options in your multiplayer and single player sessions. Zooming in and out and twisting around the various buildings in your kingdom will really get you involved in the action. Firefly’s very own Aaron Hayden takes you through five different sieges, scenarios and battlefields across our legacy titles from Stronghold HD to Stronghold Crusader 2. too ignorant to undermost idle traditions and vain legends from stand its. I guess that it is just the way it works when it is about Stronghold 2. The game's 3D engine gives you great freedom to view the action. these Now is it to be tolerated that such men ghostly cheats impose upon. I just tried the same thing you described, and yes, in my case fraps said that fps was 10 when gamespeed was reduced to 10. Torch people burning you down?arrow people shoot faster than crossbow,they have to winderup,slows down their shooting.Get houses up ,get more troops out,fast.Buy your troops,don't build them,produce resources,sell them to get forces fast.I can see it can we cheat these suckers here at Waterloo?Hurry answer sir.It has been several hours so I am making a new message here. I put a moat in front of them to keep people off them.Use the torchpeople to dig the moat$5 bucks apiece. next turn the game speed down as low as it will go.Think thru it.You are talking about the Trail.Crusader.# so&so.some are hard,but winnable.THe trail is to progressively step you up the ladder.Cheating will amount to nothing.Study what you need to do against what is troubling you,catapults.horseman?The answer for catapults is towers with ballista's on them or fireballista's on the ground in front of a wall with crossbows on the wall. Use the "P" pause key.look around an see what you are up against.

Stronghold legends cheats